Hakan Yavuz
Official Sufi Trail representative in Bilecik
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Hakan Yavuz
Since the beginning of the Sufi Trail, Hakan Yavuz has spotted us coming into Bilecik. He is amazing with taking care of tourists and keeping stats of all the nationalities that have visited Bilecik and most likely have met Hakan and went to the clock tower to make a picture. He is the engine behind many projects of cleaning the city, and taking care of people and also tourists. Furthermore, he is gifted in being loveable to travellers, and many have even used warm showers with Hakan. He organizes events with cyclists, and you can even use the camping spot on their sports ground. Hakan also keeps a logbook with lovely memories of their Sufi Trail travellers. We once were with Hakan for three days, and he showed us absolutely everything from the town bnilecik. I treasure those days, as he is the best host you can think of.
Travel History
Sufi hikers and cyclists with their passports can collect a stamp with Hakan Yavuz. Hakan Yavuz has welcomed our Parendehs, a blessing to meet with him if you have more time to visit the museums and tombs, there is a lot to explore in Bilecik. Şeyh Edebali is an important Sufi saint, and together with the three tombs of Dursun Fakih and Ertugul Gazi, they form a holy unity.
The build of the clock tower
Stamps given
News artikels
Hakan Yavuz
These short movies introducing our support points and friends along the Sufi Trail are made with one very special ingredient: unconditional love! The crew from all over the world made this project in a fly, directed by the lovable director Abdulshakoor Alakkad. His ambition and talent needs to be expressed, and he made a crew to produce this amazing introduction.
This episode is Hakan Yavuz, where the Sufi dancer and performer Alper Akçay gets his Sufi Trail stamp in Bilecik. Hakan is famous in BIlecik for bringing tourists to the clock tower and welcomes everyone the stats are incredible as Hakan has also hosted many travellers, a gem on the Sufi Trail. The light and clock tower are perfect.
A fresh moment in time, Alper Akçay is the best that could have happened to feature in this film. He is famous and dances our spirits for us into other dimensions. He explains about the trance and connection that sines in his magic work in the documentary Nūr. Big love is shining on this light, the spots are on Hakan Yavuz and big bow and admiration for the director Abdulshakoor Alakkad, magic dancer Alper Akçay and the crew of Nūr:
Production coordinator: Mohammed Abu Shawish
Sound Operator: Mouaz Jasny Editors: Otbah Kilani, Mouaz Jasny and Obida Zain
Camera man: Ahmad Atrabolsi and Muath Alkayyali
Hakan Yavuz
1. Representative for Bilecik
Hakan is very active on many council projects, environmental, cycling event, tourists and cleaning the surroundings of Bilecik.
2. Welcoming and hosting travellers
Hakan Yavuz is unique in finding you! He has welcomed and hosted over 100 travellers and leaves a loving imprint on everyone he meets. One-of-a-kind Sufi Trail friend. The gem of Bilecik.
3. Bilecik tour
Hakan Yavuz knows an impressive lot about the history and Bilecik town. He is very well-informed about how to live in a loving town and how to create community and care for your hometown.